Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shabby wall vase

Ohhhhhh this was fun to make!!!! I love all things shabby and have seen similar ideas for wall candle holders with a few modification (and no power tools) this is my version:

 I started out with a piece of wood from the thrift store, you can also purchase a square of wood at your local craft store or usually have a piece cut from a board at a home improvement store.  My local home improvement store charges .25 per cut (first two free) I have used this service many times over the years when I know I am going to build a garden bench, or make some wooden signs etc...anyhow..back to the shabbyness:
 If the wood has not been painted before, no need to sand just pick a fave acrylic paint and paint the wood, let it dry and (I love a sandpaper covered sanding block from the hardware store but a piece of sandpaper..not too course is good too) and start scrubbing! The more shabby the better, if the wood looks like your great auntie painted it then hung it outside for twenty years, then you have a nice, shabby base for your piece...
 I really did not want to deal with drilling holes this day so I used a large screw-eye and inserted it in the wood where I wanted the "vase" to hang. I also inserted two smaller screw-eyes and a piece of wire on the top to hang it by, you can use the picture hangers with teeth to hang too.
 Next, I wound my craft wire around the top of my jar (I was feeling sassy so I used an old salsa jar, a canning jar or anything with a good lip in it will work so the wire is secure...
 Attached the wired jar to the board.....
 And filled with flowers of course! This has taken up residence in kind of a boring spot in my entry way that now is super shabby and greets all as they come inside.
Happy crafting!

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